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You never stop parenting.

Yesterday my 31-year-old daughter called me crying. She was feeling sad. Not sad for the fact that she worked her whole life as a dancer and finally got her dream job and then COVID happened and it was cancelled indefinitely. Not sad because she teaches on Zoom four ballet classes a day and takes another class in a tiny apartment in New York city and her knees hurt for the first time ever. No, she was upset about some very ugly racist incidents that were in the news this week, one in Central Park and one in Minneapolis.

"When will this stop" she asked me? "We're supposed to be entering a new world of 5D consciousness, but where is the love? What is going on with this world we live in? Did you know that that man in Central Park went to Harvard? Did you see the article in the times?"

I listened to her and I feel her pain. A mother always feels the pain of a child. I honor her feelings. I don't try to make it better. I listened for now, I feel her sadness. "Do you want to go for a walk in the park" I asked? Nature always helps with sadness. Being with your mom always helps. I walked a few blocks over to Riverside Park and we go for a lovely walk. We notice how green the leaves are and how beautiful the park looked. We said hi to some sweet dogs and participate in the clapping and cheering for the workers at 7:00 PM that happens every night. We both cried a little. These are strange times indeed, I know it will get better but for now we just feel sad and that's OK.



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