Do you believe in magic? I do.
I have often been called a White Witch. I am able to connect to other worlds, hear guides speak to me, download messages and get any parking space I want. Yes, I said get any parking space. I have the ability to imagine getting a parking spot before I arrive at a place and it magically appears. They call me the Parking Goddess.
I like to think I do magic every day. Every time I make something with intention - oatmeal with ginger and cinnamon, diaper cream, a cup of tea, whenever I make Theo’s room nice for bedtime. I make milk. I turn water into one of the most nutritious foods in the world. I made three humans. Women are particularly magical.
What really is magic anyway? Magic is putting your intention in motion. Creating a spell is intention on steroids. It is activating the thought.
My mom reminds me all the time that (ever since I was little) when I “decide” something, there’s no interfering - it’s done. I am always careful when I say “I’ve decided…” as I know it will then come true.
Creating rituals is magic. I love to create morning rituals. They set my day in motion. They set energy in motion, they set me up for a magical day filled with joy. I read “The Artist Way” decades ago and I started writing in the morning 3 pages of streaming consciousness. In the book the author calls it “the morning pages.” Why is this magic? Because after a little while my guides and spirits started writing through me. They sent me all my books and messages about children and peace and my mission in life. They write through my hand. That is magic.

Artists often say they are “conduits” for their art. I’ve always been skeptical of this seemingly retro attitude even if there is truth in it. I think what they mean is that they are guided by intuition. I’ve always loved the Bruce Nauman neon piece that says, “The true artist helps the world by revealing mystic truths.” It’s so tongue and cheek - poking fun at how seriously artists can take themselves and how much we in turn invest in art. But artists do literally speak in signs. It’s a different language that can actually reveal mystic truths! We need this or the world would be so prosaic. It’s very witchy.
Evening rituals with kids are magic. A witchy bath with herbs, a lavender sachet under a pillow, candle lighting and making a wish, a gratitude ritual, a meditation.
I think we all have little rituals. Rituals carry a lot of meaning. Some of them are as old as time - bathing, fire, moonlight, using herbs… Something that’s been done for that long is pretty powerful.
Sending love is magic. In our yoga class with kids we teach them to open their arms and breathe in peace into their hearts and breathe out love into the world. This is magic, It takes love, the most powerful emotion in the world and vibrates it out into the world. I send love from my heart to everyone I see on the streets of NYC every day. It’s healing, people feel it. It’s magic.
Love is so powerful! I grew up believing that love was always a trump card. I think it came from a mixture of having a more bohemian family culture and being raised as a Christian Scientist, where love is literally a synonym for God. The idea definitely guided a lot of my life decisions - steering me away from more conventional routes toward the ones I wanted ‘in my heart.’ It’s a less results-driven and more spiritual approach to life.
Meditation is magic. I just was reading in a magic book a spell that is literally the same meditation that we do with kids in our videos and classes. It talks about how a rainbow possesses incredible magical energy. Then she says to imagine a rainbow and all the colors going into the body and filling every cell with rainbow light. What does this do? It heals the cells and activates them.
One of my favorite meditations is the Sam Harris “Looking for self” one wherein he guides you to make your vision fuzzy to let go of the constructed world. Objects stop being objects and everything just becomes light. It reminds me of Vasistha’s Yoga, one of the few texts I remember from my Master’s degree in Eastern Classics. It’s all about a student grappling with the real world and realising that it’s all an illusion or “Maya”, which incidentally also means magic.
Crystals, sigils, gris-gris, lighting candles, having tea, herbal remedies, self-love, picking an oracle card and creating an altar are all magical tools we have in our tool box.
These tools are useful for communicating nonverbally, if of course you believe in magic. They shift you out of routine.
Magic is honing your intuitive powers. One ritual I love, is to ask my heart a question and let the answer come to me. I raised my kids doing this so that they could activate their intuition, their witchy powers. Over time it gets to be second nature. You feel the answer.
Occasionally, I won’t listen to myself and then I regret it, vowing to stand up and actually believe in myself more. I think this generally can be hard for women. Since becoming a mom, I’ve really had to re-hone these skills. My mom told me once that I am the expert on my kids - no one else, not even necessarily a doctor.
You had the power all along, my dear...Believe in magic. It’s yours for the taking.
The Wizard of Oz! She had the power all along. It’s so true.
We love magic spells and potions at Peace Place for Kids. Each week we include one in our Peace Train Portal for members. It’s fun to be witchy and to teach kids the power of intention.
Including magic in the Peace Portal is so important but the whole thing is witchy, not just the magic section. We want kids to connect with their natural environment - plants, herbs, the moon, the earth - and place value in it. And most of all we want kids to trust themselves and know that they have the power now.